In February 2010, Little Duck Music, LLC was formed by Matt Paparella and Ryan Braman after working together as the management, booking and publicity arm for the band Sweet Japonic for the past 10 years. During that time the pair grew the band into an award winning successful recording and touring act. Soon after Sweet Japonic decided to split ways, Matt and Ryan's redirected their experience, skills and passion for music into LDM. Since then they have helped the West Michigan music scene flourish locally and beyond!
Through word of mouth and past success their business has taken on a life of its own. LDM always takes a sincere customized approach to both the artist and talent buyers needs. Through strategic planning, networking, due diligence, and hard work they strive to exceed their clients goals with a high level of integrity.
Through word of mouth and past success their business has taken on a life of its own. LDM always takes a sincere customized approach to both the artist and talent buyers needs. Through strategic planning, networking, due diligence, and hard work they strive to exceed their clients goals with a high level of integrity.
- Exclusive Show Booking for Select Regional Artists & Bands
- Local, Regional & National Talent Buying for Venues, Festivals, Private & Special Events
- Artist & Venue Schedule and Contract Management
- Event Planning & Consulting (Entertainment Aspects)
- Artist & Event Management
- Artist & Event Publicity and Media Relations